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HR on a roll: Havenhap & JobEXPO at VTI Zeebrugge

There is a growing need to encourage younger generations to take an interest in careers in transport.

The transport and logistics industry has so much to offer young people and is a fascinating and dynamic field with a wide range of job opportunities. This month our HR team was took proactive steps, investing time in growing interests of the future workforce through interactive job events.

Havenhap: With the objective of creating informal connections between students and companies, ‘de Havenhap’, loosely translated as ‘Port Bites’, aims to spark students’ interest in pursuing careers in the port industry. During the event, Annelies Geldhof, HR Manager at ICTS, took the stage to provide a brief overview of ICTS and shine light on the diverse career opportunities within the company. Engaging with an attentive audience of around 100 students, Annelies transitioned from the presentation to an informal lunch setting, allowing for more personalized interactions in smaller groups. This unique blend of information sharing and casual networking showed the event’s commitment to filling the gap between students and potential employers in a meaningful way.

JobEXPO: In November, around 30 recruiters dedicated themselves to giving young people the opportunity to practice their job application skills. Thanks to this wonderful initiative organized by Auxilios and VTI Zeebrugge (thé port school of Flanders), education and businesses can join forces to thoroughly prepare final year students for the future.